


Structural Integrity Testing Software Package

StructaTESTTM is the developer of the advanced StructasimTM structural integrity testing software package, for use in full-scale, multi-axial, dynamic, environmental simulation tests. This package is employed in some of the foremost structural integrity testing laboratories in South Africa.

This software is the result of research in the simulation of operational loading in laboratory test setups, with regard to
        • Accurate dynamic modelling of general, nonlinear systems
        • Inversion of dynamic, nonlinear models
        • Algorithms for iterative reconstruction of structural responses

In addition to these analytical advantages it also offers a useful graphical user interface for interfacing with the test setup through various National Instruments products.

The package includes, amongst others, the following modules and functionality:
        • Test Routine Simulation
              • Signal Generation
              • Test Execution
              • Signal Analysis
              • System Identification
              • Response Replication
              • Life-time Durability Testing
        • Field Data Import & Editing
        • Mission Profile Analysis (Fatigue, FDS, SRS)
        • Test Routine Design (Fatigue, FDS, SRS)

The home screen:

The signal editing environment:

The signal reconstruction/replication environment:

The PSD design environment: